Messages to the World from Japanese Sociological and Social Welfare Studies Societies

Japan Consortium for Sociological Societies

Greetings and the Outline
  Japan Consortium for Sociological Societies, Editorial Committee for "Messages to the World"


  YOSHIHARA Naoki, President, Japan Consortium for Sociological Societies

  JCSS Editorial Committee for "Messages to the World"

Introduction: Activities of Japanese Sociologists and Social Welfare Researchers and Their Messages to the World

  SHOJI Kokichi, Editor in Chief, JCSS Editorial Committee for “Messages to the World”

    Part I: Japanese Sociology: Birth, Spread and Bilateral Communications

From a Sociology of Japanese Uniqueness to a Sociology of a Transnational World: Towards the Second Century of Sociology in Japan
  Japan Sociological Society

Contemporary Social Changes from the Perspective of the Sociological Society of West Japan: The Society’s Message to the World
  Sociological Society of West Japan

Striving to Disseminate Research from the Stricken Regions: The Tohoku Sociological Association’s Message to the World
  Tohoku Sociological Association

Sociology from 1.17 to 3.11: Tension between Theory and Reality

   Kansai Sociological Association

Hokkaido Sociological Association’s Message to the World

  Hokkaido Sociological Association

The Kantoh Sociological Society: Its History and Perspectives

  Kantoh Sociological Society

Message to the World from the Stricken Area: Tohoku Sociological Society

  Tohoku Sociological Society

International Academic Exchange in the Era of Globalization: Beyond Academic Exchanges between Japan and France
  La Societe Japono-Francaise de Sociologie

The Challenge and Distress from East Asia: Message from the Japan-China Sociological Society

  Japan-China Sociological Society

    Part II: Mass Communication Studies and Socio-Informatics in Postwar Social Changes

Activities and Future Outlook of the Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication
Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication

Seeking a New Paradigm for Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities: A Message to the World from the Society of Socio-Informatics
  Society of Socio-Informatics 

    Part III: Social Welfare, Health and Medical Care Studies in Postwar Social Changes


Social Welfare Policy and Social Work in Responding to the Needs of an Aging Society with a Falling Birth Rate: A Message to the World from the Japanese Society for the Study of Social Welfare
Japanese Society for the Study of Social Welfare

The Great Expansion of Health & Medical Sociology in Japan: Past, Present, and Future
  Japanese Society of Health and Medical Sociology

The Development of Social Welfare and the Role of the Japanese Society for Historical Studies of Social Welfare
  Japanese Society for Historical Studies of Social Welfare

Research into the Health and Welfare that Underpin Social Life: From the Quarter-Century History and Future Prospects of the Japanese Society for the Study of Nursing and Social Work
  Japanese Society for the Study of Nursing and Social Work

A Challenge of Japan’s Welfare Society: Message to the World from the Japan Welfare Sociology Association
  Japan Welfare Sociology Association

    Part IV: Villages, Regions, Cities and Major Social Phases in and after the Rapid Economic Growth

Message to the World from Rural Studies in Japan: Evolving Agenda and Lessons for the Future
  Japanese Association for Rural Studies

Searching for the Theories and Realities of Urban and Rural Sciences in Japan: a Message to World Sociologists from Japan Association of Regional and Community Studies
  Japan Association of Regional and Community Studies

Lessons to Global Urbanization from Modern Japan’s Problematic Experiences: Message to the World from the Japan Association for Urban Sociology
  Japan Association for Urban Sociology

Historical Overview of the Study of Discriminated Minorities in Japan
  Japanese Association of Sociology for Human Liberation

Past, Present and Future of Research on Social Problems in Japan: A Message to the World from the Japanese Association of Social Problems
  Japanese Association of Social Problems

Thinking about the Aftermath of 3.11: The Challenge for Japanese Labor Sociology
  Japanese Association of Labor Sociology

Message to Sociologists Around the World from the Japan Society of Sport Sociology
  Japan Society of Sport Sociology

Following Changes and Consistency of Japanese Families: Message to World Sociologists from the Japan Society of Family Sociology
  Japan Society of Family Sociology

Environmental Sociology in Japan: An Overview of the Japanese Experience in the Aftermath of “3.11”
  Japanese Association for Environmental Sociology

    Part V: Historical Reflections on and Theoretical Investigations of Japanese and World Sociology

Confronting Three Kinds of Reflexivity in Sociology in Japan: Message to the World
  Japan Association for the Study on the History of Sociology

Accumulating Analyses of the Present State of Society: Message to the World from Japan Sociological Association for Social Analysis
  Japan Sociological Association for Social Analysis

The Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology: History, Current Situation, and Challenges
  Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology

Past, Present, and Future of Studies in Japanese Sociological Theory: Challenges of the Society for Sociological Theory in Japan
  Society for Sociological Theory in Japan

JCSS Editorial Committee for “Messages to the World”

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